Mozilla calls on everyone to come together to Unfck the Internet in latest campaign

Mozilla, the not-for-profit behind the Firefox browser, is calling on people to ‘Unfck the Internet’ by taking a stand against major tech companies, governments, and others who spread misinformation.

The campaign highlights that Mozilla exists to protect the internet and designs its products with privacy in mind. The organisation has created a hub where people are able to see the ways that Firefox aims to keep the internet working at its best and see ways that they themselves can help to ‘unfck the internet’.  

Things that people are encouraged to do include holding Facebook political advertisers accountable, watching The Social Dilemma on Netflix, and agree to contain Facebook.

“You might be wondering, what exactly is wrong with the internet? It works. It does what it’s supposed to do by connecting billions of people around the world together and is an amazing, magical portal into the human experience,” said Mozilla in a statement. “It’s also a place filled with misinformation, corruption and greed.

“It’s time we all took a stance to take control back from Big Tech, governments and bad actors who are working to take away our privacy all for the sake of selling us more stuff we don’t really need. It’s time to stop companies like Facebook and YouTube from contributing to the disastrous spread of misinformation and political manipulation of their platform. It’s time for all of us to make a choice and not have the algorithm feed us whatever it wants.”
