Myspace was the Most Breached Website of 2016

MySpaceDespite not being the most used website in the world anymore, Myspace came out on top as being the most breached website of 2016.

According to a report from Forrester, the five largest data breaches last year accounted for 75 per cent of all customer records breached.

“The concentration is similar to what we saw in our last study when the top five breaches accounted for 77 per cent,” said the report. “Hackers carefully pick their victim firm, learn its processes, and test for vulnerabilities. When they successfully infiltrate it, they often go undetected for weeks or months, which allows them to exfiltrate masses of sensitive data.”

Myspace accounted for 427m of the breaches, while Chinese eCommerce retailer Alibaba finished in second with 99 million records breached. Tumblr finished the year in third position (65m breaches), iMesh in fourth (51m) and VerticalScope in fifth (45m).

The tech industry accounted for 68 per cent of the breached customer records – while government sat at 16 per cent and retail at 11 per cent.

In 2016, Yahoo revealed that it was victim of the two biggest data breaches in history but it misses out on this list. In September, the company disclosed that it had suffered a breach of 500m accounts in late 2014. However, in December, it disclosed that a breach double that size – at over 1bn accounts – had occurred a year prior in August 2013.