Integrated media company NCM has launched its CinemaSync mobile technology, which will be integrated into its Movie Night Out second-screening app. CinemaSync uses image and audio recognition to serve deliver content, coupons and other value added services to cinemagoers.
And if the idea of a theatre full of growing screens fills you with dread, good news. Movie Night Out features a movie mode which activates as trailers begin, dimming the screen and reminding moviegoers to turn their handset onto silent.
“Some moviegoers are already using their mobile devices in theaters before the film, so we designed Movie Night Out with CinemaSync to enhance that experience and channel it in a positive, courteous direction,” said Ken Venturi, executive vice president and chief creative officer of NCM Media Networks. “With CinemaSync, moviegoers will get extra content and valuable offers throughout their lobby and pre-movie experience, with the added benefit of an automatic reminder from Sprint to silence their mobile phone prior to the trailers and feature film start.”
Movie Night Out has already seen 1.2m downloads across Android and iOS, delivering reviews, trailers, and showtimes, as well enabling ticket buying, via Fandango, and social media integration.