New fashion app puts personal stylists in your pocket

EntyA fashion app has launched offering women access to advice from personal stylists at any time and day of the week.

Enty, founded by entrepreneur Sophia Matveeva, enables users to get professional advice from more than 140 global fashion professionals Through artificial intelligence, the app is able to learn user tastes and global trends.

The fashion app only lets fashion professionals provide comments in response the phots uploaded and questions aske by users, eliminating the possibility of trolling.

“Women often have a very different experience online to men, they are much more likely to be bullied or get unwanted attention. I knew that to set up a platform for women, we had to put the female experience in the centre of everything – our design, our business strategy and our marketing,” said Matveeva.

“From the start, we knew we wanted to build a platform where women would feel comfortable posting photos of themselves, when they are not feeling super confident, so they could get professional stylist advice. Given the experience women have had online, this idea would have never worked unless we put user safety first and reassured users that they would not be bullied or harassed.

“Most women have either been trolled themselves, or have friends who have been abused online. Twitter is one of the worst offenders, and I have been harassed there, but I was even trolled on LinkedIn! The big tech giants are not taking this issue seriously enough, which is why we have to build the new internet – one where women can get confidence, not lose it.”

Enty is available to download for free from the App Store. However, to unlock the full experience, users have to pay a monthly subscription fee starting at £4.99 per month. An Android version of the app is set to arrive at some point next year.