Nintendo introduces DIY cardboard interactive toys for the Switch

Nintendo LaboNintendo has unveiled a line of DIY cardboard experiences which transform the Switch into an interactive haven for kids and big kids.

Nintendo Labo kits provide Switch owners with modular sheets of cardboard, along with other bits and bobs, to create what has been named ‘Toy-Con’. These creations – which include a remote-control car, a fishing rod, a house, a motorbike, a piano, and a robot – combine with a Nintendo Switch to create a range of interactive experiences.

“Nintendo Labo continues our longstanding mission of making people smile by surprising them with new experiences,” said Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America’s president and COO. “It is an exciting evolution of the Nintendo Switch platform – one designed to inspire curiosity, creativity and imagination in people of all ages.”

Nintendo Labo launches on 20 April with two kits: a variety kit and a robot kit. From the variety kit, people can create two RC cars, a fishing rod, a house, a motorbike, and a piano. The kit will cost $69.99. Meanwhile, the robot kit – which will cost $79.99 – includes an interactive robot suit with a visor, backpack, and straps for hands and feet.