Nominations Close Today for our Peoples Choice Awards

Awards-crowd-shot1.jpgThe Peoples Choice categories of the Effective Mobile Marketing Awards give the industry a chance to tell us whose achievements we should be celebrating.

Theyre open for nominations until midnight GMT today. This is your chance to put forward the companies, platforms and people you think are doing great stuff in the mobile marketing space, but when its gone its gone. So dont delay: head over to our Nomination Form  and share your picks for 2016’s Mobile Marketer of the Year, Most Effective Brand, Ad or Marketing Tech Platform of the Year, and Start-up of the Year. You can nominate one person or company in as many or few of the categories as you like.

Once the nominations are in, our team will put together a shortlist that the industry can vote on, and the winners in each category will be given an award on the night.

Full details of each category are below. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

Effective Mobile Marketing Awards – People’s Choice 2016

Mobile Marketer of the Year
The person who has made the biggest contribution to mobile marketing in the past 12 months.

Most Effective Brand
The brand that has used mobile as a marketing tool most effectively in the past 12 months.

Ad or Marketing Tech Platform of the Year
The most effective advertising or marketing technology platform available to brands and agencies.

Startup of the Year
The best mobile startup. Startups must be less than three years old with a turnover of less than £1m