NSN Claims Traffic Data First

Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) is claiming an industry first by offering an harmonization layer for traffic data in multi-vendor networks that helps operators improve customer service and operational efficiency. The harmonization layer enhances the existing real time data analysis of NSNs NetAct Traffica solution, with a productized, out-of-the-box probe interface for eased creation of customer key performance indicators. NSN says that interface between Traffica and probes allows operators to cut custom integration costs.
NSN notes that customer traffic data is of key importance to operators in ensuring and improving the quality of customer experience and service. The data, however, doesnt come from one source, but rather from a multitude of sources. NSN helps operators gain a harmonized view of dispersed data by enhancing its real time NetAct Traffica monitoring and analysis platform with probes. The probes, which are important data sources for customer-centric service assurance, come from certified vendors. NSN is therefore introducing a Traffica certification program for probe vendors.
Telefnica Spain is one of the first operators to take full value out of the harmonized traffic data analysis. The operator has upgraded its existing NetAct Traffica solution with NSNs certified probe for harmonized customer traffic data analysis.
Operators can select the most suitable probe vendor from the certified probe vendors offered by NSN. Selected vendors have to meet the Nokia Siemens Networks certification criteria, including technical and operational compatibility such as licensing, maintenance and support, and release compatibility. Certification also requires technical verification in a customer environment.
Traffica certification is a concept where everybody wins: operators, certified probe vendors and Nokia Siemens Networks, says Vesa Tuomisto, Head of Service Management Business Line, Operations and Business Software at NSN. Our service management solutions help operators to maximize customer experience in multitechnology, multivendor environments. NetAct Traffica provides operators with consistent information for decision making, bringing accuracy and efficiency to their service life-cycle management.
The first probe vendors to join the certification program are Nexus Telecom, Polystar Instruments, and Radcom.