Ofcom Releases L-Band Auction Details

Communications regulator Ofcom has published details of its plans to auction radio spectrum suitable for a range of services, including Mobile TV and satellite radio. A number of possible uses of the 1452 – 1492MHz band, the so-called L-Band, have been identified. These include mobile multimedia services, including Mobile TV which could be deployed using a variety of technologies; satellite digital radio; and broadband wireless access or high-speed Internet on the move. Ofcom expects the auction process, which will be held online, to start in spring 2008.
The spectrum will be released on a technology- and service-neutral basis, allowing users the flexibility to decide what technology to use, what services to offer, and to change their use of the spectrum over time. All licences will be tradable.
The release of the spectrum in the 1452 – 1492MHz band is part of a wider programme to release around 400MHz of spectrum at prime frequencies below 3GHz. Other awards in this programme include the digital dividend – the highly-valued spectrum that will be freed-up through the switch to digital television, plus Channel 36, which is within the television bands – and the 2.6GHz bands.
Ofcom says its objective is to promote the most efficient use of the UKs spectrum resource, benefiting consumers by providing access to new services, greater choice and competition. Ofcoms research has shown that the use of the radio spectrum contributes 37bn, equating to 3% of UK GDP.
Ofcom is responsible for ensuring the most efficient use of the UKs finite spectrum resource, says Ofcom Chief Executive Ed Richards. This marks the start of our fifth spectrum auction process as we continue to release spectrum for the benefit of consumers and citizens.”
To see the full statement on this spectrum auction, click here.