Omnicom Buys Mobile5

Roxburgh: “an incredibly exciting opportunity”

Omnicom Media Group, parent company of media agencies OMD and PHD, has bought mobile marketing firm, Mobile5.

Founded by Oli Roxburgh, Steve Clarke and Guy Marks in 2011, Mobile5 is a full-service mobile marketing agency, employing 31 people.

Its work includes building mobile ad creative, apps and mobile sites, and strategic consulting, for clients including Samsung, Canon and Trinity Mirror. It has worked closely with Omnicom on a number of campaigns over the past three years. Mobile5 will continue to operate as independent company, working out of its own offices.

“We are coming on board as Omnicom’s mobile centre of excellence,” Mobile5 marketing executive Rosie Le Page told Mobile Marketing. “They already have a mobile offering; we will help them to develop that further.”

Mobile5 managing director, Oli Roxburgh, described the move as “an incredibly exciting opportunity for Mobile5, one which will enable us to expand our offer of cutting edge, award-winning mobile marketing and advertising services to a global market.”