OpenAI names ex-Twitter and Instagram VP Kevin Weil as CPO

OpenAI has appointed Kevin Weil as its new Chief Product Officer.

In his new position, Weil will lead a product team focused on applying the AI company’s research to products and services that benefit consumers, developers and businesses.

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Weil was most recently President, Product and Business at Planet Labs, prior to this he held senior positions at Strava and Microsoft.

He was previously VP of Product for Novi at Facebook, a position he held for just under three years, VP of Product at Instagram, and SVP of Product at Twitter, a post he held for over six years.

Commenting on his appointment, Weil said: “The product team at OpenAI has set the pace for both breakthrough innovation, and thoughtful deployment of AI products. I am thrilled to be part of the next phase of growth, as we continue to safely and responsibly build towards AGI.

OpenAI CEO, Sam Altman added that Weil brings “a depth of experience that will enable OpenAI to scale our operations, set a strategy for the next phase of growth, and ensure that our teams have the resources they need to continue to thrive”

The news comes as the AI app announced its latest partnership with Apple, with ChatGPT access being integrated into iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, the new Mac OS.