Orange Mobile Data Plans Cater for Animal Instincts

Orange UK has extended its Animal plans to mobile broadband customers with the launch of Panther, Dolphin and Racoon data plans.  

Dolphin Mobile Broadband offers one hour of unlimited surfing at a time of the user’s choice for £15 a month, in addition to 3GB of data per month on an 18 month contract or 2GB of data per month on a 1 month rolling contract. Customers can choose form one of four one-hour unlimited slots: 8am-9am; 12 noon-1pm; 4pm-5pm; or 10pm-11pm .

Panther Mobile Broadband starts at £25 per month and offers either 10GB or unlimited data per month (not including data roaming). Racoon Mobile Broadband starts from £5 a month for 500MB of data for existing Orange mobile customers, or £10 a month for 1.5GB of daa for everyone else.
All mobile broadband customers on 18 month contracts receive a free Huawei E1752 donge, or can buy an exclusive white dongle (Option 515M) for £20. This comes with a free 8GB memory card.  

Select Panther, Dolphin and Racoon plans are also available with laptops on 24 month plans. With these packages, customers can own choose from the Asus 1005HGO netbook or the Compaq CQ61 full-size notebook for an additional £15-£20 per month on top of their monthly mobile broadband plan. 

Orange also offers a Mobile Broadband Bill Promise which means that Orange mobile broadband customers will not be charged more than an extra £40 a month for out of bundle national data usage if they accidentally go over their monthly data allowance whilst using their dongle in the UK. 

The new plans are available now.