Our Digital Edition is Online Now

The latest digital edition of the Mobile Marketing quarterly magazine is available online now. In it, Upstream CEO, Alex Vratskides explains the companys approach to working with mobile operators on a payment-by-results basis.

There are also features on geo-targeting in mobile advertising; the rise and rise of mCommerce; mobile money; and b2b apps  targeted at the enterprise. Plus, in our Regional Focus piece, we turn the mobile marketing spotlight on Africa.

Theres also analysis from Helen Keegan, Screen Digests Julien Theys, and Mobile Interactive Groups David Glennie, and a look at the future of mobile advertising from InMobis James Lamberti. You can access the digital version of the magazine here.

If yous prefer to have the print version delivered to your desk, you can subscribe for one year (four issues), for £30 (UK) or £40 (ROW) here. Or if youd rather get it on your iPad, you can download the ipad edition, priced at £2.99, here.

And finally, dont forget, the mobile-optimised version of our website is at: http://m.mobilemarketingmagazine.com