Oxygen8 Hires for Growth in the Americas

International mobile, voice and billing company Oxygen8 Communications has appointed Gary Corbett as its regional director for the Americas business.

Oxygen8 is planning to open offices in Mexico, Chile and Argentina in the next three months, with a further three countries planned before the end of the year. The company also believes that the US and Canada represents a significant growth market, and the company has recently appointed Anne-Marie Fahrenkrug-Ortiz as CEO for US and Canada to drive expansion in this territory.

Corbett says: “We will be focusing heavily on the Americas markets this year and we have ambitious plans for growth throughout the region. Oxygen8 is ideally positioned to help media companies and corporates to exploit the potential of mobile and voice services in the Americas.”

Shane Leahy, Group CEO of Oxygen8 Communications, says: “Whether you are a brand, billing company or an aggregator, there are fantastic opportunities for growth in the Americas.”