Oxygen8 Money Launches TopUp To Send

Oxygen8 Money has launched TopUp To Send, which enables consumers to quickly and easily buy and send mobile credit to family and friends overseas.

To send credit, the sender heads for the TopUp To Send website, enters their mobile number and the mobile number the credit needs to be sent to. The system then lets the sender know the value of the credit they have available and how much they can convert and send.

“There are over 200m people working and living in a country other than their own and combined, these people send $300bn back home every year,” says Oxygen8 Money CEO, Nouman Hashmi. “Airtime transfer is the ideal remittances solution for sending small amounts of ‘value’. While the transfer of airtime takes place immediately, there are no transfer fees or charges to be paid for using our service. This advanced service offers customers a reliable platform to send credit around the world.”

TopUp To Send can send airtime credit to 250 operators in 78 countries and is fully accessible 24/7, 365 days a year. Oxygen8 Money is a division of Oxygen8 Communications.