Pay Per Download System Delivers Results, says Mobango

Mobango, the social mobile application store, says it has proof that the combination of its app-promotion service and the Mobango community of 5 million members, helps developers to be dramatically more effective in driving downloads of their apps, compared to traditional promotion methods.
The company says it has found that its Pay per Promoted Downloads (PPD) Platform is five to 20 times more effective than traditional promotion methods for applications. The PPD Platform is a bidding system that enables content owners to bid for premium visibility on Mobango, but only pay for the downloads they receive. Since developers only pay when they get downloads, they are able to generate new users at a fraction of the cost of traditional Cost Per Click (CPC) or Cost Per Impression (CPM) campaigns.
Mobango CEO Fabio Pezzotti believes the viral nature of the Mobango community adds to the effectiveness. “For a developer, if you promote on Mobango, its not just random users downloading your app, but a member of our community, he says. The various social features in Mobango mean that developers can create strong, long-term relationships with their customers.”
The PPD Platform enables developers and content owners to geo-target their campaign by region and by handset, and to allocate a daily budget (e.g. $100 per day) to promote a particular app or mobile site. As developers set their maximum bids for a time period and download (eg $0.30 per download) and Mobango provides analytics to help them understand their users, developers are in full control of their success and can see the installed base of their application grow. Mobango offers PPD both on a self-service basis, and also on an assisted PPD basis for brands and agencies.
The Mobango community has more than 5 million young early adopters, and over 1.1 million pieces of content, fully optimised for over 2,000 phones. Mobango saw a 500% increase in mobile applications downloads during 2009.