Pizza Pizza Launches Android App

Pizza Pizza has launched on Android after successfully launching the first pizza ordering app in Canada.

The iOS app got 100,000 users in six months – no runaway success – but the company soldiered on with an iPad app, mobile website and now the Android app.

Users can pay for their order in-app, design their own pizza – with visual configurator – and repeat the same order in just three taps. Users can also use the QR code scanner to enter discount codes for their order and play mobile games while they wait for their pizza to arrive.

“Launching new and better apps has quickly become an important part of our service menu for Canadians,” said Paul Goddard, president and CEO said. “Our appetite for apps is strong because, on the one hand, customers want it and, on the other hand, they appreciate choice and options in everything we do. When we listen to customers and increase their options, things seem to always go well.”

The free app was designed by Plastic Mobile.