Pornhub Now Teaches You About Sex Through SFW Sex Ed Service

Pornhub LogoPopular porn hosting site Pornhub has launched a sex education service to provide information and advice regarding sexuality, sexual health and relationships. And, don’t worry, it’s safe for work.

The Sexual Wellness Centre has been developed in partnership with sex therapist Dr. Laurie Betito – who is directing the site.

“As the premiere destination for adult entertainment, catering to nearly 70m daily visitors, we wanted to provide our fans with a trusted educational platform they can utilise as their go-to resource for information and advice when it comes to sex,” said Corey Price, Pornhub VP. “We understand the importance of educating the general public on a wide range of topics pertaining to sexual health and awareness, and saw an opportunity to deliver knowledge and understanding through renowned doctors and experts.”

The site currently provides information on topics such as reproductive health, relationships and STDs. This information varies from ‘what is consent?’ to ‘what happens at play parties?’.