NewspaperDirect has launched the latest version of its PressReader app, optimized for the iPad. The company says the iPad version delivers a “visually stunning experience” for reading the more than 1,500 newspapers and magazines offered by NewspaperDirect.
“PressReader delivers an immersive reading experience that cannot be rivalled,” says NewspaperDirect CEO, Alex Kroogman. “At last, readers can hold a digital edition in their hands and read it from front to back, just the way the title was printed, with no compromises in quality, fidelity or content.”
PressReader for iPad enables subscribers to automatically download their favorite daily read from a selection of more than 1,500 newspapers and magazines from 90 countries in 46 languages. Publications can be browsed with one finger, and users can search across all publications to get a perspective from around the world.
The PressReader app and the first seven titles are free downloads from the App Store. Individual newspapers and magazines can then be bought for $0.99 per issue, or downloaded in conjunction with a paid subscription on Ttles available include The Washington Post, USA Today, The Guardian, International Herald Tribune, LEquipe, Le Figaro, and the South China Morning Post.