Pringles launches lockdown fashion-inspired social campaign

Pringles has launched a social campaign focused on bringing people together in their love of the Kellogg’s-owned stackable crisp brand.

The current iteration of the #PlayWithPringles campaign, called ‘What’s Your Flavour’, will tap into existing social conversations of people ‘glamming up’ in one-colour outfits and being likened to Pringles tubes. We Are Social, the creative agency behind the campaign, will identify these social media users in the UK and Germany and engage them with ‘What’s Your Flavour’ film, while Pringles curates and celebrates the user-generated content.

“#PlayWithPringles aims to capture that joy we find as we connect with our friends and family in different ways,” said Stephen McSweeney, Digital Marketing Manager at Pringles. “Summer might be shaping up a little differently this year, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t still have a little fun and look forward to the smaller moments, whether it’s a socially distanced gathering with a small group of friends in the park, or getting dressed up for a night in.”

The campaign will also feature playful videos from creators which show them ‘glow-up’ from their boring lockdown outfits to Pringles-inspired ones. These videos will be shared on both the creators’ and Pringles’ social media channels over the next few weeks.

The latest evolution of the campaign follows on from Pringles and We Are Social combining to develop a ‘quaking’ Snapchat filter and a Pringles ‘Pop’ TikTok dance challenge earlier this year.

“It’s exciting when we see new behaviours emerging online, and even better when we can tap into them for a campaign,” said Charlie Cottrell, Group Creative Director and Head of Editorial at We Are Social. “Fashion choices are currently such a hot topic on social that we had a huge amount of content to inspire us. Pringles is a great brand to work with, it has an engaged and dedicated online fanbase who are always receptive to having a bit of fun, and this campaign certainly does that.”