Progress Launches Real-time Location-aware Marketing Platform

Progress Software has announced a location- and context-based tool for mobile advertising. The tool, called Progress Situation-Based Promotion Solution Accelerator, is designed to enable companies to engage in real-time marketing. 

Progress says the new tool improves its portfolio by enabling service providers to monitor millions of concurrent users who are constantly generating events comprising location, context and preferences through their mobile phone use. 

The solution enables service providers to deliver targeted, location-based advertising via a customers phone, using behaviour patterns, interests, and social network preferences, in real-time. 

Marketers can manage campaigns via a single interface, called the Progress Control Tower. This tool allows them to add new promotions to campaigns and change them if theyre not going to plan, says the company. 

Sanjay Kumar, industry vice president of communications and media at Progress Software says: “A global mobile service provider, who recently implemented our solution, is already achieving a tenfold improvement by using situation-based promotions, and they are generating higher revenue. As customers respond to these promotions, the CSP [communications service provider] can develop a one-to-one relationship, helping to build brand loyalty. As they develop their purchasing or response history, they can improve their marketing messages for future campaigns.”