Research Delivers a Positive Message

74 per cent of people who have not yet opted in to a mobile marketing database would do so if they were given the right incentive. That’s one of the findings of new research into mobile messaging commissioned by the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) and the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) and carried out by research firm, Brand Driver.

The company conducted research in three phases among an online panel, and members of Marks & Spencer’s Orange Shots’ and O2 More’s opted-in databases. The research also revealed the things consumers like and don’t like about mobile messaging. 41 per cent of respondents said they would be more likely to opt in to a mobile marketing database if they could control the kind of advertising that came to their mobile, and 39 per cent if they could control which types of brands contacted them, while 33 per cent said they would be more likely to opt in if they would get messages from good brands offering attractive offers.

On the negative side, 32 per cent said they had no idea this type of service existed, and 71 per cent said they were wary of the costs of receiving this type of message. Other major barriers were receiving spam or untargeted offers (both 71 per cent); having no control over what is sent (70 per cent); having to give personal information (64 per cent); not being able to opt out once they were opted in (61 per cent); and having their privacy invaded (45 per cent).

There’s a more in-depth look at the research here.