Mobile apps company Rippll has launched – a site that allows companies to create apps using a simple template and a web interface.
The service is aimed at high street businesses. Retailers go to the Appsplash website and choose a template. Pricing starts at £299, and goes up according to the level of customisation the business wants to apply to their app.
No development or coding skills are needed from the customer, and features such as photo grids, event lists and venue maps can be dragged and dropped into the design.
The basic £299 app package offers a home page with the customers logo and branding, mobile vouchers, mobile loyalty cards (using QR Codes), push notifications for location-based advertising, products and services lists, and a GPS location finder to direct consumers to stores. Rippll also says it will develop custom features for its clients if necessary.
Customers can manage the apps promotions and design through Ripplls CMS. All promotions are tracked through Rippll Analytics so the business can reconcile used vouchers and loyalty points and send push notifications to their chosen target clients. Customers can also pinpoint how many times and where the app has been installed and see where and when customers are interacting with the app.
For more information on the Appsplash service and to try it for free, go to