ROK Launches iPlayer with MTNL in India

ROK Entertainment Group has announced the launch of its iPlayer mobile video service with Indian mobile network, MTNL.
Priced at 30 Rupees (approximately 0.45) per month, subscribers are able to receive, streamed or for download, up to 90 video clips per month, including live breaking news, daily astrology predictions, Bollywood news, Bollywood music, sports news, comics and comedy clips on their mobile at
MTNL has begun promoting the ROK iPlayer service to its 2 million-strong customer base in Mumbai via a daily SMS promotion.
This MTNL-version of ROKs iPlayer is a new mobile entertainment service which we have developed specifically for India, say ROK Chairman and CEO, Jonathan Kendrick. We are very excited to be launching the service with MTNL and because iPlayer offers such excellent value for money with regards to mobile entertainment, we look forward to significant subscription uptake.
ROK, best known for its Mobile TV service which is streamed over mass-market 2.5G GPRS as well as 3G and wi-fi, has amassed a portfolio of revenue-generating mobile applications which it licenses to mobile operators around the world.