Santa Goes Mobile – With a Little Help from Incentivated

This Christmas, childrens charity the NSPCC is once again running a nationwide seasonal campaign to send children a ‘Letter from Santa’. Mobile agency Incentivated is providing mobile marketing support for the campaign in the form of mobile banner ads to promote the campaign on the mobile internet, and the creation of a mobile microsite so that letters can be ordered easily from internet-enabled phones.

For a suggested donation of £5, each letter is personalised with the child’s name and age, printed on colourful paper and sent via ‘Rudolf Mail’. Once the order is completed, the microsite allows Gift Aid authorisation, the site to be forwarded to a friend and other NSPCC Christmas Wishes to be viewed.

“Incentivated is helping the NSPCC to use the power and immediacy of mobile to enable people to respond to our campaign messages and make a donation quickly and simply,” says Monika Antczak, digital marketing specialist at the NSPCC.