Security App Sees 90 Per Cent Conversion Rate on GetJar

GetJar has revealed that NetQin Mobile, a company whose mission is to protect wireless customers from viruses, malware and spyware on their mobile devices, has achieved a 90 per cent conversion rate using GetJar’s Pay Per Download (PPD) solution. NetQin clocks in at over 4.4m downloads to date and is delivering an average of 4,000 active users per day.

To increase its user base and expand its reach around the world, NetQin sought out a more comprehensive app distribution platform that would allow it to target customers across many countries, devices and operating systems. NetQin also wanted to prioritize its time and budget more wisely, thereby increasing its overall return on investment. NetQin offers cross-platform applications for Android, Symbian and Windows Mobile devices, among others.

“GetJar is delivering very satisfactory conversion rate among all our online channel partners,” says NetQin marcom director, Linda Liu. “GetJar’s massive user-base, set of tools and services allows us to optimize our campaigns more effectively. We can build one campaign for each operator within a country and easily determine which operator is delivering the best conversion rate. This helps increase our ROI, while being able to reach over 200 countries across all major platforms and handsets. We continue to achieve successes beyond our expectations.”

The GetJar Pay-Per-Download (PPD) in-store advertising platform offers developers the opportunity to bid for premium catalogue placement per download in GetJar’s store and distribution channels, setting their own maximum daily budgets, and ensuring that they pay only when consumers successfully download the advertised application. Developers also have the option to set up multiple campaigns, each with their own unique messaging, or geo-target their campaign by country, handset or carrier, in order to steer growth in a highly strategic way.

GetJar’s PPD operates on a bidding system much like Google’s AdWords, and helps developers to increase their app’s visibility, gain more downloads and set their own budget guidelines. This allows developers to really focus and fine-tune their campaigns to ensure maximum ROI, says GetJar.

PPD also gives developers access to an analytics package that allows them to measure ROI and see the amount of downloads by operator, device, country and operator. GetJar is also the first app store to enable developers to measure the conversion rate of mobile downloads to actual users across all open platforms.