Selatra, the Cork-based distributor of mobile Java games, has accelerated its games release process to just 30 minutes through a recent software upgrade of its games Delivery Platform & Content Management System. Selatras Content Management System caters for over 50 new games per month with up to 200 skus (stock-keeping units), to cater for language and handset variations, per game.
In response to extra demand, Selatra has completed development of an automated Content Ingestion Tool. The tool enables pre-formatted games and marketing collateral to be rapidly ingested, categorised, securely stored and made available to retailers in a matter of minutes through online catalogues. Customised XML feeds to retailers complete a picture whereby a developers newly submitted compliant title can be on sale within an hour in many retail channels spread over 55 countries. Selatra provides the submission specifications formats free to all suppliers.
The Metaflow-compliant ingestion tool also ensures rapid automated uptake of mobile content into the companys mainstream database. With built in DRM (Digital Rights Management), compliant with OMA (Open Mobile Alliance) standards, the new auto ingestion feature speeds up the delivery of games, saves time and maximises revenues for developer partners and retailers alike.
Selatras promise to get the latest games from the best developers to market soonest means we will continually enhance our content management system and download platform to stay ahead of our competitors, says Selatra CTO, Michael OConnor.