Shamzam Updates iPhone App for 3.0

Mobile music discovery provider Shazam has released an updated version of its popular music discovery application on the App Store. The new version uses the iPhone OS 3.0 enhancements to offer iPhone and iPod touch Shazamers expanded features, enhanced functionality and added social networking capability, including access to Twitter. 
Shazam was present at the launch of Apples App Store last summer and now has over 7 million users and has accrued over 100,000 user reviews worldwide. The Shazam iPhone app enables users to identify music playing on a hi-fi system, the radio or TV by holding the iPhone towards the music and tapping 'Tag'. Users can buy  music they hear through a link from the tagged songs to iTunes. They can also view related videos and other music content on YouTube; personalize their Tags with a picture; learn more about the music; organise Tags by artist, title, or date; and store  pending Tags for when they don't have a data connection.
The new features include:

  • Tweet your Tag: Users can share the tagged song with their followers enabling them stay up to date with the artist and track details they discover.
  • Share a music moment: users can send their Tags as a Postcard to friends who share their musical taste so they can add the Tag to their own collection in Shazam, as well as preview and buy direct in iTunes.
  • Track your music journey: Users can see their Tag on Maps inside Shazam, along with their Tag history, to remind them where they were when they tagged the song.

Since launching on the App Store last year, Shazam has achieved a huge following with iPhone and iPod touch users says Shazam CEO, Andrew Fisher. We have listened and learned from our iPhone and iPod touch users over the past year and we are confident that the millions of Shazamers around the world will enjoy the enhanced functionality of this latest release.
Shazam is available from the Apple App Store.