Showcase has launched its event app platform of the same name. It’s aimed at event organisers, who can use it to create a free app presence and networking tool for each of their events, from a central platform. Showcase also incorporates new revenue opportunities and marketing channels for each event. The basic app and web portal are free; organisers pay for the advertising and functionality add-ons that they sell at their own prices.
Showcase has been piloted in beta over the last six months, with over 20 event organisers using it for their events. Every organiser involved in the pilot program has signed up to use Showcase for future events across the UK, Europe and N. America.
Showcase says that, using the platform, event organisers can have rich content for their event live in just 10 minutes, with no App Store approval required. Delegates and exhibitors only need to download the app once. They can then see details of all events on the platform, and search fo the one they are interested in. Features include visibility of which LinkedIn connections are going to each event, and the ability to capture leads and exchange contact details via QR code or business card scanner. Organisers can also send real-time messages and track event activity via live metrics.
Optional add-ons include sponsorship banners, promotional real-time messages and featured exhibitors. Organisers sell these at their own prices, with live and historical event activity metrics provided to motivate potential partners.
“Our model is unique, turning traditional event app pricing on its head,” said Showcase CEO and co-founder, Lance Stewart. “By letting organisers choose the add-ons they need, they don’t have to pay for a full suite of features.”
Organisers create their solution using an easy web interface. Exhibitor listings are easily imported and exhibitors can be invited to manage their own content. Updates are published in real-time and do not require App Store approval, since the organisers are not creating a new app, but rather, listing their event on the Showcase app.
Event marketers can use the launch kit tools to invite delegates, send real-time messages, integrate social media and build a community around their event. Delegates and exhibitors, who are able to see which of their LinkedIn connections are attending each event, and share their own planned attendance using social channels.
Showcase is available as a native app for iOS, withan Android version in the works. It is available for other devices via the mobile web at: