Signing off for 2021

So that’s a wrap for 2021 folks, another strange year in which we have all continued to live, to some extent or another, in the grip of this awful pandemic, which never quite went away, and is finishing the year, sadly, on a strong note.

It’s been a year when fortitude and resilience has been to the fore, and we salute all those on the frontline of the pandemic, from healthcare workers to essential workers in retail, logistics, and parents who have spent much of the year juggling home schooling with home working.

We hope 2022 brings a better year, and in singing off for 2021, would just like to thank all those companies who have supported us through our events, content and awards programs these past 12 months.

From all the team here on Mobile Marketing Magazine and Masterclassing, we wish you a happy and peaceful Christmas and holiday season.

David Murphy
Editorial Director