Smaato Hits $110m Annual Run Rate

Mobile RTB ad exchange Smaato has hit a $110m (£72m) annual run rate.

Since the second quarter of this year, Smaato’s monthly revenue transacted by RTB has doubled. In the UK specfically, since the beginning of 2013 this figure has tripled.

“RTB on desktop moved fast in three years, but mobile has shown tremendous revenue uplifts within 18 months across all regions,” said Ragnar Kruse, CEO of Smaato.  “We see more brand advertisers shifting their marketing budgets into RTB platforms every day. We integrate on average two to three new DSPs per week. The speed in which we can integrate is a milestone in the industry.”

According to Smaato, its supply partners have experienced eCPM uplifts as high as 110 per cent since signing up with its RTB platform.

Smaatos three largest markets by revenue generated are India, the US and the UK, respectively.