SMS Gets Personal

SMS marketing company TxtLocal has launched a personalised text messaging service which it says will change the way that businesses communicate with their customers. 
The service allows users to send personalised messages, including information about the consumer. Up to six personalised fields, such as the car they drive, date of birth or appointment reminders, can be imported into each message. TxtLocal has developed a website that it says allows the user to personalise hundreds of messages in a matter of minutes. 
As an example, a garage could import its database of customers mobile numbers, name, make and model of car and MOT date, then send a more personalised MOT reminder to each customer, such as:
Hello Peter. Just to remind you the MOT on your Ford Mondeo is due on 25/11/06. Please call us on 0208 111 1111 to book it in.
The benefits for businesses are enormous says TxtLocal MD Darren Daws. With personalised text messaging, businesses can create value-added messages that their customers will appreciate, and that contribute directly to increased business. We know that our customers have found text messaging to be the best value marketing tool available, and this new service will extend the ways in which they can communicate with their customers.