SMS Reminders Reduce No-shows by 70%

Global Hair Limited, trading as Headrush Hair Salon, in Peacehaven, near Brighton, has 4,700 clients. The company was experiencing issues with client missing appointments, creating an increasing amount of spare time for the salons stylists and costing the business lots of money in missed revenue.
To address the problem, the salon deployed a text messaging solution from TextMagic, with dramatic results, as Global Hair Director Emma Fulgoney explains. She says:
“TextMagic has improved our amount of no-show clients who may have forgotten the date and time of their appointment, therefore leaving a stylist in the salon with sometimes up to two and a half hours of down time, which is clearly bad for business and profits. We calculate that our number of no-shows has been reduced by approximately 70% since we've been using TextMagic and we expect this number to improve further as we obtain more clients' mobile numbers.”