SMS Service Blitzes Tariffs

Fair Internet, which describes itself as an Internet provision and software development company, has announced the launch of Blitzplanet, a mobile phone solution that bundles international SMS, picture messaging, email and instant messaging in one program at a reduced cost.
Blitzplanet enables consumers to send an SMS from the UK for 10p to 130 countries from their mobile, rather than the rate of 30p and 50p typically charged by mobile service providers in the UK. In addition, for a fee of 1 a month, Blitz subscribers can take photos to update a blog or send to friends; send instant messages to other Blitz users; and send emails to any email address.
Fair Internet says the service is aimed at people visiting the UK, or UK residents who wish to communicate with friends or family abroad.
BlitzPlanet says that Blitz works on most phones that are able to create an Internet connection, and that the photo feature works on all phones built after 2003.
More information here.