Snap has sold 150,000 Spectacles in under a year

Less than a year after introducing Spectables, its first physical device, Snap has has sold over 150,000 pairs of the wearable tech glasses.

Thats according to CEO Evan Spiegel, speaking at a Vanity Fair event in LA. Saying the devices have “out-sold our expectation,” Spiegel drew a comparison with the iPod, which sold 143,000 units in its first year.

At last count, in May, Snap had sold 63,800 pairs. While  the Spectacles were initially only available to buy in Snaps pop-up vending machines, they went on sale online in February, which has no doubt contributed to the rise in sales.

The iPod comparison seems to be telling of Spiegels intentions for the company in future. The change of name, from Snapchat to Snap, was accompanied by a shift in how the company describes itself, as a camera company – and during the event, Spiegel promised “so many things” are yet to come for Spectacles as a product.