Stella Artois Unfiltered launches playable ad in The Sims with Twitch Live Stream

Stella Artois is making its first foray into the virtual world of gaming, with the launch of Stella Artois Unfiltered mod packs and the picturesque fictional French village scene from its iconic ‘Beer, au Naturel’ TV advert, which will be available to download and use in The Sims.

The bespoke world has been created by gaming enthusiast Devon Bumpkin, with mod downloads, including a Stella Artois Unfiltered Chalice, Stella Artois Unfiltered bottle and branded beer tap, created by content creator Hey Harrie, along with a selection of naked characters modelled on those who appear in the TV ad.

Bumpkin will be hosting a live ‘Play Au Naturel’ gaming stream on Twitch, playing as the unclothed waiter from the TV ad, to give viewers a step-by-step run through of the game play, as well as sharing behind-the-scenes footage of the content creation process.

With 55 per cent of Sims players admitting that getting naked is one of their favourite activities to partake in when playing the game, but 44 per cent saying they feel shame when playing the game in the nude, Stella Artois wants to encourage a liberated mindset that aligns so perfectly with its current marketing and naturally unfiltered beer.

Bumpkin said: “I’ve loved bringing the Stella Artois Unfiltered beer, characters and backdrop to the virtual world of The Sims. The au naturel way of life in the TV advert is a fun and tongue-in-cheek look at being liberated and enjoying life’s simple pleasures, which perfectly reflects the escapism that people get from playing The Sims.”

Meg Chadwick, Stella Senior Brand Manager, added: “Having brought the ’Beer, au Naturel’ message to life in our ATL campaigns, we’re so excited to be able to give gamers the opportunity to experience our naturally unfiltered beer in a virtual world. Now they too can be as naked as the beer we’ve created. We hope that our Unfiltered characters, scenes and mods will be the go-to virtual choices for liberal those Sims players looking to enjoy a Stella Artois Unfiltered in their natural state.”

The ‘Play, Au Naturel’ Twitch Live Stream will be taking place at 6pm on 8 February. The custom Stella Unfiltered mod pack can be downloaded on Curseforge by searching ‘#PlayAuNaturel’, from the same date.