Sun Microsystems has entered into a multi-year agreement with On2 Technologies to add comprehensive video capabilities, using On2 Technologies TrueMotion video codecs, to Suns JavaFX, a family of products for creating Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) with immersive media and content across all the screens of your life.
The companies note that consumers are demanding a rich video experience across multiple screens, and say that this deal compliments the Java platform for RIAs by adding On2 Technologies TrueMotion codecs to deliver the essential technologies and services that are designed to power compelling video applications. With JavaFX rich client technology, the same high resolution video and media applications can run across the billions of devices that use the Java platform, including browsers, desktops, mobile and embedded devices. The first availability of On2 video codec for JavaFX software products is scheduled for autumn 2008.
“The JavaFX runtime environment is designed from the ground up to support high fidelity media, empowering content authors to deliver media-rich content and applications across multiple screens,” says Rich Green, Executive Vice President, Software at Sun. “On2 shares Suns vision of driving video convergence across desktops and mobile devices and we look forward to working with On2 to deliver this capability as part of the JavaFX family of products.”
The Java platform powers billions of devices, from desktop browsers and computers (91%) to mobile phones (more than 2 billion), Blu-ray Disc players (13 million), TVs (9 million) and other connected consumer products. On2s TrueMotion video codecs are deployed on more than 2 billion desktops and 200 million mobile devices worldwide.