Survey Reveals Support for Ad-funded Content

Pitch, the UKs first ad-funded mobile content provider, has released results from a recently commissioned report into mobile marketing that show a general willingness among consumers to look at ads on mobile phones, in return for free content.   
Almost half of the respondents in the 16-25 age group said they would be happy to receive ads in exchange for free content, and over 30% said that they would be likely to respond to marketing messages. 60% would visit a companys website after receiving an ad and over half would visit a store if the incentive was strong. 48% would pass advertising messages on to their friends, creating the potential for a self-perpetuating viral campaign.
32% of British consumers outside this age bracket said that they would be happy to receive marketing text messages, videos and pictures on their mobile phones, in exchange for free content.
The research also found that mobile marketing has the potential to become a highly responsive channel. Over one in four consumers indicated that they would be likely to respond to mobile marketing, providing that it was relevant to their interests. 45% would follow the advert through to the companys website, and 41% would visit a store or venue to redeem a promotional voucher. The report found both sexes to be equally receptive to mobile marketing.
The report also indicates that the success of a mobile ad is influenced primarily by the quality of the offer. 38% of consumers would respond based on the value of an offer or promotion, while 20% said they would respond solely based on the type of brand. The design of the ad was considered the least important factor by all age groups.
Audience receptiveness varied according to the time of the day the message was received. The most popular time of day to receive messages was the evening (15.5%). Least popular was during the working day (6.3%). 
The report also highlights a couple of concerns, with 38% of consumers worried about being bombarded by advertising messages, and 33% worried that they would be charged, and find themselves unable to unsubscribe from the service. 
The power of mobile marketing has always been in its ability to target a distinct group of consumers, unlike spam or junk mail, which rely on sending out millions of messages in the hope that a tiny percentage respond says Pitch Executive Chairman David Warburton. The report shows that the consumer is now receptive to receiving mobile advertising – as long as the messages sent out are well designed and carefully targeted.If brands are prepared to take this message on board, this will be the year that mobile marketing realises its full potential.
Pitch offers UK mobile users completely free ringtones, games and
graphics in exchange for personal profile data and mobile advertising
opt-in consent.