Tablet Use Triples Among Over-65s

Senior Couple and Cell PhoneThe number of people aged 65-74 using tablet devices to access the internet has more than tripled, according to research from Ofcom, up from five per cent in 2012 to 17 per cent in 2013.

This drove an increase in over-65s going online to 42 per cent in 2013, up from 33 per cent the previous year.

Older people spend an average of nine hours, 12 minutes using the internet each week, significantly less than 16-24 year olds who spend more than one whole day – 24 hours, 12 minutes – online each week.

Overall, use of tablets adults has almost doubled, from 16 per cent in 2012 to 30 per cent in 2013, while 59 per cent of people access the internet using a mobile phone.