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App trends for 2020 from Kumulos and Waracle

App trends for 2020 are on every mobile marketer’s reading list before Christmas! So, here at Kumulos, we caught up with some of our mobile app marketing friends to discuss

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Five reasons why apps don’t work

Bob Lawson, director and co-founder of Kumulos, looks at the reasons why a lot of mobile apps dont work and provides advice on making sure an app is successful

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Go beyond app engagement with web notifications

The Kumulos team explains why its time for all mobile marketers to begin using web push notifications to engage audiences

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Kumulos adds host of features to its mobile app management platform

Mark Petrie, Kumulos CEO, shares the features the company has introduced to make it easier for you to deliver the right message to the the right user at the right time

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Hospitality loyalty apps: Top features which drive engagement

The team from Kumulos discuss the importance of loyalty apps within the hospitality industry and the key factors that these apps must address

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Four must-have mobile app KPIs

The team from Kumulos share the most important things that mobile app owners should be tracking for mobile app success

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Five tips for effective mobile messaging

The team from Kumulos present their advice for making your mobile messaging campaigns more effective

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How to improve mobile user engagement

The Kumulos team explains why you should focus on mobile user engagement and how to improve it


10 ways to improve push notifications

The Kumulos team discuss the ways you can optimise your push notifications and improve performance

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Push notifications: Five best ways to maximise engagement

The Kumulos team provide advice on how to maximise engagement using push notifications Push Notifications one of the most effective ways of driving recency, frequency and higher mobile app engagement. 

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