Taggar Promotes Jason Derulo and Naughty Boy with AR Campaigns

Taggar JD ImageSocial AR app Taggar has partnered with Warner Music to promote Jason Derulos forthcoming world tour.

By scanning the cover of Derulos Tattoos album with the app, users can access exclusive video content and tag the artwork with their own video, audio or images in order to enter a competition for tickets. One winner will be picked by Derulo himself, the other based on its popularity with the Taggar community.


Taggar is also working with Capitol Records for a campaign around Naughty Boy’s debut Hotel Cabana, which again involves a contest for the best user-generated content, with cash prizes.

“To be part of a new trend working with such talented artists as part of the launch of Taggar is great,” said Taggar MD Charlotte Golunski. “We are excited to see how users will approach the contests and make their tags really stand out from the crowd. Our vision is to create a world in which fans and artists can connect with one another through real-world digital tags.”