Tesco Mobile Pilots Tweakkers OTA API

Tesco Mobile Ireland is piloting Tweakker’s over-the-air Application Programming Interface (API) configuration service as part of its strategy to provide customers with best-of-breed value and care.

Launched in Oct 2007, Tesco Mobile was Ireland’s first MVNO (Mobile Virtual network Operator). It works withTelefonica O2 Ireland to provide quality network coverage to 99.6 per cent of the population. “Tesco Mobile is all about providing a great value mobile service thats simple to understand and easy to use along with offering big brand service and quality,” says Paul Walsh, Tesco Mobile’s head of technology. “As a result, we only team with industry leaders, and in the connectivity provider space, that means Tweakker.”

Tweakker’s service supports nearly 2,400 mobile models and 129 brands. To benefit from Tweakker’s service, providers just need to buy access to Tweakker’s API, develop a web service interface and bolt it on to their website for seamless customer care. As a result, says Tweakker, its customers provide anytime-anywhere customer care at approximately 5 per cent of the cost of a call centre.

Since launching the service in mid-2010, over 900,000 mobile users have used Tweakker to get mobile settings and enjoy the full functionality of their feature phones. The company will remain open during the festive period.