th3ng, the mobile division of mixed media and animation group th1ng, has released Faerie Planet, an Augmented Reality app for iOS that targets younger users.
Aimed at players aged four and over, the game places faeries orbs to be found using the phone’s camera and a faerie-o-meter. The app also includes Mysties, a themed messaging system which enables users to draw or write a message sent, via faerie, to friends in their address book.
AR apps aimed at younger users, if successful, could certainly be a sign of the technology pushing its way into the mainstream. Of course, if theyre as fiddly and ill thought out as many AR apps, it could be the quickest way of turning off an entire generation to it.
The app comes in two flavours – a limited free version, and an in-app purchasable upgrade, costing 69p, which more collectable faeries and an unlimited messaging functionality.
You can see the app in action in the video below.