The deadline to enter the Effective Digital Marketing Awards is three weeks today

The new, extended deadline for the Effective Digital Marketing Awards is now just three weeks away. We took the decision to extend the deadline by four weeks a week ago, to give people time to get used to the new way in which many of us are now working. The new deadline is midnight UK time on Friday 24 May. In addition, we have waived the late entry fee that would normally be charged for entries submitted after the standard deadline, so the fee remains at £180 per entry, per category entered.

We appreciate that over the past couple of weeks, entering awards has probably not been a priority for many people. But when the current crisis subsides, we hope, as everyone does, that things will get back to normal, and that the wheels of commerce will begin to turn once more at something like their normal speed.

When they do, winning an industry award for your work will be as valuable in helping you win new business and attract new customers as it has ever been. We hope this new, extended deadline will enable more companies that wanted to enter but found themselves running out of time, able to do so. 

You can get more information on the Awards and the 15 categories to enter here. Or head straight to the Awards Portal and submit your entries.

Heres a reminder of the categories:

Most Effective Integrated Campaign

Most Effective Paid Social Campaign

Most Effective Content Marketing Campaign

Most Effective Influencer Marketing Campaign

Most Effective Search Campaign

Most Effective DTC eCommerce Campaign

Most Effective Native Campaign

Most Effective Tech Platform

Most Effective Video Campaign

Most Effective Data & Analytics Campaign

Most Effective Programmatic Campaign

Most Effective Performance Marketing Campaign

Most Effective Mobile Campaign

Most Effective Retail or FMCG Campaign

Most Effective Travel & Tourism Campaign