The Guardian has launched the Android version of its app, as mobile traffic to the Guardian’s online content reaches record-breaking heights. On Tuesday, 9 August 803,000 visitors used the Guardian’s mobile site,, up from a previous record of 580,000.
The free, ad-funded app features the best content from, including the latest news, sport, comment, reviews, videos, podcasts and picture galleries. It offers a fully customisable homepage, and the ability to ‘favourite’ sections and contributors for quick access to relevant articles, plus flexible navigation by section, topic or contributor.
There’s also a landscape reading mode, and an offline browsing mode that offers the ability to download all homepage articles and favourite sections at the touch of a button to read later with no connection, or schedule a daily download for a time that suits the user. Users can also share content via the Android share menu.
“In a year when the number of people accessing our journalism and content on mobile devices has soared, reflecting not only the different ways people are consuming news, but also the relentless news agenda, we’re thrilled to be offering another key mobile product to our audiences,” says Georgina Henry, head of “We’ve seen over half a million downloads of our re-launched iPhone app this year, and with over 150m activated Android devices worldwide, the potential audience for this product is huge.”
The app was designed and developed by an in-house team using the Guardian’s content API and is available now from Android market worldwide.