The Telegraph and Vice UK join Snapchat Discover ahead of general election

Telegraph and Vice UK Snapchat SnapcodesNewspaper publisher The Telegraph and the UK branch of Vice have launched Snapchat Discover channels to capitalise on the interest in current affairs generated by the upcoming general election. While Vice was one of the launch partners when Snapchat Discover launched back in 2015, the channel will host more localised content, similar to channels it has on Snapchat in France and Germany.

The Telegraph channel will initially post a story at 5pm daily, which will “bring to life the work of The Telegraph’s award-winning reporters, columnists, graphics and visual journalists through the innovative approach of its dedicated team of Snapchat editors and motion designers.”

“Reaching Snapchatters with the news that matters to them has been at the core of our approach to this partnership,” said Chris Evans, editor of The Telegraph. “Through specially curated content that they can engage with, users will be able to access breaking news, expert opinion and sharp analysis from our award-winning journalists.

“With the launch being just days before the general election, Snapchat also gives us an opportunity to reach young voters with content that hopefully cuts through the election noise and helps them make an informed decision on 8 June.”

“The 2017 general election falls against a backdrop of political uncertainty and societal schisms, exacerbated by an increasingly partisan and fractured media,” said Alex Miller, executive created director of Vice UK. “None of these issues were caused by young people, but ultimately the Vice and Snapchat users of today will be the ones left to pick up the pieces.

“We’re launching Vice UK’s Publisher Stories to coincide with this election, with a determination to offer a daily platform that allows the stories and opinions of young Brits to be heard.”

Vice UK’s plans for content in its launch week include comedy from political correspondent Rants n Bants, “Why Should I Vote” vox pops by Julie Adenuga, and exclusive clips from a meeting between Jeremy Corbyn and UK grime artists JME, as well as editorial content from Vice’s network of channels.

Among the other publishers created local content for the UK on Snapchat Discover at Cosmopolitan UK, The Sun, Daily Mail, National Geographic, Buzzfeed, The Economist, Sky Sports, Tastemade UK, MTV, Comedy Central and Sky News.

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