Top Five YouTube Ads Have Been Watched for 8m Hours


YouTube has named the top five video ads from its 10-year history, selected based on votes from advertisers and marketers. These arent pre-roll ads, but full-length ads uploaded to YouTube as video content, which users have then actively chosen to watch.

Topping the list is Turkish Airlines Kobe vs. Messi: The Selfie Shootout ad. Created by Crispin Porter + Bogusky and Starcom, the ad hit 25M views in the first three days it was posted back in December 2013, and now stands at a total of over 141m views.

In second place is Volkswagens The Force 2011 Super Bowl spot, which attracted 8m views before even airing on TV and since hit 62m. Filling out the list are Always #LikeAGirl (58m views), Volvos Epic Split, featuring Jean-Claude Van Damme (79m) and Doves Real Beauty Sketches (66m).

Together, these five ads on YouTube have been watched for a total of 7.7m hours.

You can view a playlist of the top five ads below.