Mobile games publisher Namco Bandai Networks Europe is offering mobile users a way of improving their mental agility while on the move with the launch of More Brain Exercise with Dr. Kawashima.
The game, which costs 5, introduces a new range of challenging games officially tested by Dr. Kawashima, and which Namco Bandai says are proven to stimulate different parts of the brain, to keep the mind awake and active. Theres also a competitive element to the game. Players can upload their More Brain Exercise scores to an online ranking system and compare their results with other brain training addicts around the world. Facebook users can also track their ranking and represent their country in the Facebook Brain Olympiad, also announced by Namco Bandai today.
More Brain Exercise with Dr. Kawashima features 15 new brain-training games, five of which are used to measure brain age, as well as bonus games and additional functionality. Users can choose to evaluate their brain age, follow the daily brain training programme, or play additional games from the brain-training selection. Up to three different profiles can be stored in the game so users can challenge their friends to compete using the same handset. The game also features a selection of Sudoku puzzles for players to enjoy on the move.
Users of the game can track their progress by regularly re-testing their brain age, with the game ranking them as anything from a cell to the universe (the larger the object, the better), passing by dog, human, giraffe and dinosaur, to name just a few, in between. Full profile information is recorded on the handset, including the users highest rank and statistics showing frontal, temporal and parietal lobe performance over days and weeks of training.
To celebrate the launch of the game, Namco Bandai has also developed a More Brain Exercise website, viral game and Facebook application. The website offers four brain-training games, allowing users to compare their scores with others and undertake a limited brain training programme. For those who are bitten by the training bug, links from the online game will allow users to purchase and download the full mobile version of the game* direct to their handset.
Its around this time of year that many of us start to make resolutions to improve our health and wellbeing, says Barry ONeill, President of Namco Bandai Networks Europe. Many people will sign up for a gym membership but neglect their brains. This game will allow users to raise a mental sweat to truly get in shape for 2009.
You can get more information, and download the game, here.