Twitter Appoints Martha Lane Fox and Pepsis Hugh Johnston to Board

Twitter logo IRL office HQTwitter has appointed two new names to its board: Martha Lane Fox, founder of, and Pepsi CFO Hugh Johnston.

Lane Fox, who was appointed as Baroness of Soho in 2013, already serves on the boards of Channel 4, Marks & Spencer and Shes a veteran of Twitter, having joined in 2009.

Johnston, meanwhile, is very much a newcomer to the platform, with a single tweet to his name, posted two hours ago when the news was announced.

Lane Fox and Johnston replace Peter Currie, previously executive vice president of Netscape and a member of the board since 2010, and Peter Chernin, CEO of film and television production company Chernin Entertainment.

Their departures, and the appointment of Lane Fox, means that women now outnumber Peters on Twitters board for the first time. (There is a single Peter remaining, Peter Fenton of Benchmark Capital, while Lane Fox is the second woman on the board, Marjorie Scardino of the MacArthur Foundation.)

This seems to be a discrepancy that hasnt passed Twitter by. “More additions to the board soon, ones that will bring diversity and represent the strong communities on Twitter,” said co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey in a tweet. “This matters and is a must.”