Twitter launches prototype app to test out new features

Twitter phoneTwitter has, as promised, begun rolling out an experimental app for giving select users a chance to test out new features that the social network is considering launching on its main platform. ‘Twttr’, a throwback to the company’s original product code name, will first focus on trialling different conversational formats and features.

Although anybody can apply to Twitter’s ‘Prototype Program’, the microblogging platform only plans on inviting around 2,000 English and Japanese speakers into the test for the time being, according to TechCrunch, and it only supports iOS at present. Despite the limited number of people who will gain access to the program, they are all free to openly discuss the features being tested.

In future, Twitter may look to use the app to test out other changes planned for its main app beyond conversational updates, such as changes to status updates.

 “Our prototype app, twttr, launches to the first group of participants today. #LetsHaveAConvo about new features to build a better Twitter together,” said Twitter Support in a tweet.

“Twitters new experimental app is a great step forward. As marketers are on a constant hunt to engage with their audiences, it seems like Twitter is actively looking to improve on that front after launching the prototype application,” said Yuval Ben-Itzhak, CEO of Socialbakers. “Twitters design experiment tries to simplify reading through longer threads, adds more colour schemes, and focuses on the way conversation threads work on Twitter.

“It is very refreshing to find Twitter is taking action to improve and make the app more engaging for users. This has the potential to help Twitter generate more business in the future.”