Twitter Mobile Users – Young, Engaged and Always-on

Twitter has taken a comprehensive look at its mobile users in the US to give brand advertisers more insight into when and how often people interact with the platform. As 60 per cent of Twitter’s 200m active users log in on mobile at least once every month, and many only use it on their phone, it is clear that brands need to consider how their message works on mobile.

People who use mobile as their main access point for the social network are 86 per cent more likely to use it several times a day than the average Twitter user. Twitter’s mobile mob are more likely to be young, with 18 to 34 year olds 52 per cent more likely to use Twitter primarily on mobile. 15 per cent of mobile Twitterers say that their tablet is the top way they access it.

66 per cent of primary mobile Twitter users log-in while watching TV at home and are 32 per cent more likely than average to use the platform while watching television. They are also 157 per cent more likely to use Twitter when they wake up and 129 per cent more likely to use it when going to sleep. After their morning commute, mobile users are 160 per cent more likely than primary desktop users to keep one eye on it.

“Many Twitter users rarely access Twitter on desktop so don’t forget about mobile targeting when developing Twitter Ads campaigns,” said Taylor Schreiner, co-head of ad research at Twitter. “Think about content that’s easy to interact with and consider the experience beyond the Tweet too – for example, link to sites that are optimised for mobile.”

The company also says that primary mobile Twitter users follow more brands.